Nonqualified Plan Management

A game-changer for your executive compensation program with consultants who understand how to execute

Attract and Retain High-Performing Talent.
Maximize Outcomes.

Competition is fierce for top executives who make significant contributions to a company’s long-term growth, stability, and profitability. How do you make your organization stand out from all the rest and retain your senior leaders? Offer a multifaceted compensation package that helps your executives build wealth.

We work with your board of directors, HR, and executive compensation teams to develop and execute a powerful nonqualified plan solution that positively impacts your executive recruitment, retention, and bottom line.

Aligning plan design with your compensation goals leads to better results.

Paul Sommerstad, Partner
Attracting and retaining leadership is more important and challenging than ever. There are many creative ways to help your leaders secure their financial future by using a nonqualified plan. We can prepare a customized program to fit your needs and those of your employees.

Paul Sommerstad, Partner

Nonqualified Plan Consulting Services—An Extension of Your Benefits Team

Attracting and retaining top talent requires creative thinking and problem-solving. Having helped executives at more than 500 companies and after reviewing thousands of compensation packages, we know what it takes to implement a nonqualified plan that offers maximum value for you and your executives.

Attract. Reward. Retain.

You spend time and money building benefits and compensation programs with the hope of attracting and retaining top talent. But how do you know if these plans are really working? Our nonqualified plan consulting team helps you evaluate and execute solutions that maximize the impact of your compensation programs.

  • Funding Analysis and Monitoring

    A nonqualified plan is an unfunded and unsecured contractual benefit that may require setting aside assets to informally fund – or finance – this benefit liability. Assets used for this purpose carry tax, accounting, financial statement, and expense considerations. We help you evaluate the funding decision and whether this function should be outsourced.

  • Plan Diagnostic and Goals Assessment

    Is your current nonqualified plan working? How are you measuring success? Are executives deriving the maximum benefit? Through our diagnostic work, we help you answer these questions and more to uncover opportunities to enhance your plan and outcomes.

  • Investment Policy Development

    Effective management of a nonqualified plan involves understanding the evolution of investment options in the public and private markets. A participant-directed versus a trustee-directed plan requires different investment procedures. We help you weigh the pros and cons of both approaches based on your organization.

  • Plan Design and Implementation

    Not all plans are created equal, and it’s the goals of the compensation committee and board of directors that often define plan design. We help you determine if a nonqualified plan is the right executive compensation tool for your business—and if so, which type.

  • Vendor Management

    Given the complexity of nonqualified plans, many employers outsource plan functions to a third party. We work with you and lead the evaluation and ongoing management of your benefits and compensation programs so you don’t need to spend time and money building an internal team.

  • Employee Education and Advice

    Your executives understand your 401(k) plan. But can the same be said for your nonqualified plan? Most likely, no. Our consultants work one-on-one with executives, educating them about the value of the plan and the role it plays in their overall financial landscape.

Impactful Advice. Integrated Solutions. Simplified Administration.

Nonqualified deferred compensation plans offer flexibility—in participants, in structure, and in investments. With flexibility comes a level of complexity and decision-making, especially if you’re contemplating a new plan or changing an existing one. That’s where we thrive.

  • Clarity of Options

    There are numerous types of nonqualified plans. We analyze the alternatives and the associated costs so you can select the best plan for your stated goals and executives.

  • Understanding of the Marketplace

    Nonqualified plans are ever-evolving, and the rules are increasingly more complex. We monitor trends and legislative activity and regularly benchmark your plan to help ensure it remains competitive, compliant, and cost-effective.

  • Streamlined Execution and Coordination

    Your benefits team doesn’t have time to coordinate all the people and tasks involved with implementing or updating your plan. We manage everything on your behalf, giving your team more time for their other responsibilities.

Managing Both the Asset and Liability Sides of the Equation

Many plan sponsors significantly underestimate the plan’s asset liability risk. We look at all the components of your pension plan both individually and collectively, offering integrated solutions that address your current and future needs while mitigating risk.