Investment Management for Nonprofit Organizations

Impactful advice and extensive oversight for foundations, endowments, and charities.​

You Help People. We Help You.

Your financial resources fuel your mission. Let us help you grow and protect these resources with effective financial management, reporting, and administration.

Who We Serve

  • Foundations
  • Endowments
  • Charitable Organizations
  • Educational Institutions
  • Houses of Worship

What We Provide

Investment Consulting Services: Matching Your Organization’s Money to Its Mission

Working with your board, we design and implement a comprehensive investment strategy that aligns with your mission, long-term goals, and cash flow requirements to generate the income needed to fund your initiatives, operations, and disbursements.

Our investment solutions include:

  • Customized Investment Portfolios. We don’t sell investment products. Our role is to design the most suitable solutions for your organization using investments that are thoroughly screened and identified to offer the best prospects for consistent outperformance.
  • Funding Considerations. You have a mission, and you need money to accomplish it. Our portfolio management considers the duration and timing of your cash needs when developing your investment policy statement.
  • Cost Efficiencies. As a national investment advisor, our size enables us to secure the most competitive terms and pricing for your portfolio. The cost savings you enjoy from paying lower investment fees can be redirected towards your cause, where it belongs.

Financial Administration: Organizational Support

Think of us as an extension of your administrative team, working behind the scenes to organize and execute the financial tasks necessary to keep your vision thriving for generations to come. Our advice and support help you address the many challenges growing nonprofits face, including:

Fund Accounting and Reporting

Your organization's funds may be allocated for specific purposes or have limitations on their use. For each type of fund you raise, we help ensure the restrictions are accounted for and reporting requirements are met. We manage your finances at both a micro- and macro-level.

Building Reserves for Sustainable Operations

Your goal is to make a positive impact on as many people as possible, both today and tomorrow. However, the resources required to fulfill this mission might not match up with your fundraising, grants, and other revenue. We take a long-term view and help you build financial reserves to help ensure you’re poised to help when the need becomes particularly acute.

Establishing Sound Policies to Sustain Your Future

Having clear, written financial policies that are effectively communicated and enforced can avoid financial troubles down the road. We address potential issues before they become problems, helping you develop policies and procedures regarding the assignment of authority, conflicts of interest, spending approval, and decision-making.

Managing Cashflow

You create your annual operating budget and fundraising initiatives. We help you manage your revenue, expenses, and investment income so your organization functions seamlessly day to day, month to month, and year to year.


Financial records are a critical component of every organization. They’re also time-consuming to maintain. We monitor your accounts, reconcile transactions, and prepare your financial statements.

Tax Planning and Preparation

Nonprofit organizations have specific tax considerations that not all firms can handle. Our in-house tax professionals have a deep understanding of global, federal, and state tax laws. They can help your organization satisfy its tax requirements no matter what city, state, or country you operate in.

Who We Are

Your financial resources fuel your mission. Let us help you grow and protect these resources with effective financial management, reporting, and administration.

Financial planners

Nonprofit tax specialists

Investment professionals

Outsourced Chief Investment Officer (OCIO): Bespoke Expertise for Premier Institutions

For sizeable and complex organizations, typically with more than $100 million in assets, Cerity Partners OCIO is a boutique practice that works with a limited number of clients to create bespoke solutions, providing discretionary investing, effective fiduciary oversight, and institutional expertise that long-term asset management demands.

Cerity Partners OCIO claims compliance with GIPS®.

Learn More

Partner with a Team That Sits on Your Side of the Table

We share your passion for helping individuals and communities flourish. Many of our advisors and colleagues actively participate on the boards of nonprofit organizations. So, when we say we understand the challenges you face—we really do. Contact us today to get started.