Financial Management for
Individuals, Families, and Corporations

Experience a better approach to financial service, built on trust and transparency

Explore objective financial advice driven by your unique goals.

Whether you’re a leader, an owner of a successful business, a head of total rewards for a company, or a member of the finance committee of a non-profit organization, our planning, tax, investment, and retirement plan specialists provide practical, real-world answers to today’s pressing financial questions.


Discover Cerity Partners. Diverse solutions for diverse financial needs. One-on-one support and objective advice for every aspect of your financial life.

Service Tabs
Individuals & Families
  • Individuals & Families
  • Corporations
  • Nonprofit Organizations

Wealth Management 

The financial lives of high-net-worth individuals are complicated. We understand the unique challenges you face and offer integrated planning solutions to grow, protect, and preserve your wealth across generations.

Investment Solutions 

Investing is a commitment to your future. It's a way to grow and preserve what you've earned. Our disciplined and goal-centric investment approach helps ensure your portfolio is positioned to withstand changing market and economic conditions.

Estate & Gift Planning 

Our advanced estate planning and wealth preservation solutions help you achieve your goals while mitigating tax liabilities. Recommendations are tailored to your unique situation and reflect our expansive knowledge of estate, trust, gift, and tax laws.

Financial Planning 

Successfully navigating the financial challenges that come with wealth involves planning, relevant advice, and a financial advisor who’s not afraid to say "no" when you ask, “can I afford this?” Cerity Partners does all three.

Insurance Planning & Risk Management 

Protect the life you and your family have worked so hard to build. We help you understand your current level of risk exposure and offer personalized solutions that seek to protect the vulnerable areas of your financial life.

Tax Planning & Preparation 

We design and implement tax optimization strategies including the creation of detailed tax projections and the preparation of personal, trust, and business tax returns.

Marital Financial Planning 

We’re here to help you create a comprehensive financial plan that reflects your shared vision. In the unfortunate event your marriage dissolves, we also provide divorce financial consulting.

Cross-Border Financial Planning 

Just because your professional life is spread across different regions of the world doesn’t mean your financial life has to be complicated. Cerity Partners has extensive knowledge of U.S. and global tax laws and regulations, and we will work with you to preserve and grow your wealth here and abroad.

Business Owner Advisory 

We work with owners of privately-held businesses to help them create and execute transition plans that provide a seamless and successful exit for themselves, their families and other stakeholders.

Trust Services 

Protect what you have worked for, and ensure your intentions are fulfilled with the objective support of a team of financial professionals who have a fiduciary duty of care and loyalty to our clients.

Women’s Wealth 

Cerity Partners advisors provide comprehensive wealth management tailored to women’s distinct financial needs.

Business Owner Financial Planning 

We work with owners of privately-held businesses to help them create and execute transition plans that provide a seamless and successful exit for themselves, their families and other stakeholders.

Practice Owner Financial Planning 

Specialized planning advice for owners of medical, dental, legal, and other professional service firms.

CFO & Accounting Services 

A partner in helping you determine strategic business decisions, streamline costs, and solve 

Family Office 

Our family office services span the spectrum from full financial management to helping you establish and coordinate your own family office. Whatever level of support you need, we can help.

Beneficiary Financial Counseling 

When an employee dies, the greatest gift you can give their family is care and support. Our Beneficiary Counseling Services help beneficiaries navigate the financial challenges that arise after the death of a loved one, helping them adjust to their “new normal.”

Executive Financial Counseling 

Your compensation and benefits offerings are a talent retention necessity and, arguably, your executives’ largest source of wealth creation. Executive Financial Counseling helps your senior leaders fully realize these benefits and boost your ROI in the process.

Executive Financial Counseling for Individuals & Families 

The financial life of an executive is complicated, and coordinating all the elements takes time. We serve as your personal CFO, providing a more efficient and simpler way to manage your growing wealth.

Financial Wellness Coaching 

Your employees’ financial stress can have a cascading effect on absenteeism, morale, and productivity. Our comprehensive financial wellness coaching helps alleviate this stress, enabling employees to focus on their responsibilities at work.

Retirement Plan Consulting 

Secure retirements begin with a sound and effective plan. Our comprehensive approach is designed to address your goals and objectives while creating a premier retirement plan for your employees.

Defined Benefit Plans 

Our retirement plan consultants understand the intricacies of managing active, frozen, and terminating defined benefit plans. They work closely with you to develop a course of action to mitigate risk, reduce costs, and drive better results.

Defined Contribution Services 

With increasing attention focused on fiduciary roles and responsibilities, maintaining a sound retirement plan is more important than ever before. We help you measure five critical dimensions of plan success to increase your plan’s effectiveness and the retirement readiness of your employees.

Nonqualified Plan Management 

We work with your board of directors, HR, and executive compensation teams to develop powerful nonqualified plan solutions that positively impact your recruitment, retention, and bottom line.

The Cerity Partners Pooled Employer Plan 

A retirement plan benefit, without the retirement plan hassle. Provide a retirement plan benefit for your employees, that also makes sense for your business.

Employee Stock Ownership Plans 

Implementing and growing successful ESOPs that drive employee engagement through an active ownership culture.

Corporate Venture Capital for Corporations 

We’ve combined the best of corporate and institutional venture capital to create a unique venture capital offering. Our team, with extensive venture capital industry expertise and corporate development skills, is dedicated to providing world-class strategy insights that help corporations adapt to the rapid pace of change.

Corporate Venture Capital for
Entrepreneurs & Investors 

Startups endure constant pressure from well-funded competitors. Corporate venture investors can help differentiate your company by providing a brand halo, technical expertise, supply chain agreements, distribution or marketing assistance, and even good old-fashioned customer revenue.

We believe in people, encourage diverse perspectives, and foster a culture of excellence.